Placing the accent on the sensoriality can lead to a quick sale

Posted on 20 July, 2017

Can the sensoriality change the consumers’ purchase intention? According with some conclusions of an American study recently published, it seems that yes.

This week there’s an interesting story in PuroMarketing that explains how, according to a study published by Brigham Young University and the University of Washington, sensoriality has a direct impact on the speed of the consumer buying process. Thus, those who sell a product with all the focus placed on sight or hearing take longer to generate a sale than those who underscore taste or smell.

This is the conclusion drawn from several studies with different control groups that demonstrated how the combination of senses brought into play in a buying decision directly influences the result. The example that most attracted our attention focuses on a summer festival, an event that logically involves the senses of hearing and sight.

Researchers carried out several tests where they altered the adverts for the festival in order to appeal to each of the senses. They noted that the users who had been impacted by the ad that appealed to taste with copies like: (“You will taste the amazing flavors…”) were more inclined to go to the festival immediately. On the other hand, those who received the message centred on the sound of the festival with the slogan: (“You will listen to the amazing sound…”) decided to postpone attendance until the following year. 

Proximity and sensoriality in the buying decision

Furthermore, the study shows that the senses also influence us according to whom we are buying for. For example, when we give something to someone we are not on familiar terms with or close to, we let ourselves be guided by sight or hearing, while if the present is for a relative or friend, taste and touch decide.

Finally, another of the conclusions of the study, which opens up a world of possibilities, is that appealing to the immediate senses, such as smell, taste and touch, helps to sell products and experiences that are physically closer to the consumer. Will this be one of the keys to the marketing of Food & Bev in the future? We’d bank on that.

You can read the original article at PuroMarketing.

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