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Win consumers with taste and flavor

Pubblicato in data 7 Novembre, 2021

by Joan Abante, CEO Sensory Value Humans feel pleasure when we eat something we like. This feeling is the result of many years of evolution. Due to the potential scarcity of food, humans used to protect themselves by generating this positive emotion and creating the mood to eat more and more food they liked.Nowadays, we do not need to eat a lot for lunch because we know we will have the opportunity to eat again later for dinner. But we ...


Emotionalize the product

Pubblicato in data 11 Giugno, 2021

by Joan Abante, CEO Sensory Value Up now, food brands have mainly relied on their emotional values and, to a lesser extent, on the functional or rational aspects of their products. For example, both Ferrero Rocher and Nespresso have used aspirational emotional elements and other brands like Kellogg’s and Häagen-Dazs have used functional benefits, such as “no added sugars” or “best quality”, when advertising their products.Howev...


The sensory power of chocolate

Pubblicato in data 4 Settembre, 2018

Chocolate may well be one of the most popular foods in the world. This has a lot to do not only with its taste but also its effects on the body. It no longer surprises anyone to hear that the brain interprets drinking chocolate in the same way as it does practicing sex. However, today we are not going to talk about either. Today we are going to look at the sensory power of chocolate, i.e. how it intoxicates at least four of the five senses. The ...


8 tendenze di bevande analcoliche aromatizzate che sorprenderanno i vostri sensi

Pubblicato in data 25 Maggio, 2018

Più del 50% dei consumatori in tutto il mondo preferisce bevande sane e a basso contenuto di zucchero. Le bevande gassate perdono quote di mercato a favore di altri tipi di bevande analcoliche, cocktail analcolici, frullati e acqua minerale aromatizzata.1.-Recuperare le bevande analcoliche dai sapori più tradizionaliUna delle tendenze più rinfrescanti e salutari punta sull’acqua gassata. Per la stragrande maggioranza dei consumato...


Diversi modi di bere latte e frullati nel mondo

Pubblicato in data 16 Maggio, 2018

L’essere umano è l’unico animale che continua a bere latte […](Leggi...)

La birra al latte: una realtà vicina?

Pubblicato in data 9 Maggio, 2018

L’esigenza d’innovare dell’industria alimentare spinge alla continua ricerca di nuovi […](Leggi...)

3 ristoranti francesi che puntano sull’esperienza del consumatore e sulla sensorialità

Pubblicato in data 10 Aprile, 2018

La cucina francese ha perso il suo ruolo egemonico sul […](Leggi...)

L’effetto del caffè sui tuoi sensi

Pubblicato in data 20 Marzo, 2018

Una tazza di caffè al mattino ci carica di energia […](Leggi...)

The sensory effect of pastries and biscuits on the consumer

Pubblicato in data 26 Febbraio, 2018

The notion that human beings eat with the eyes is nothing new. However, it is a one-sided affirmation. Actually we eat using all the senses. And all this is more than evident when we think about the sensory effect that pastries and biscuits exert on the consumer. The experts in sensory analysis are the people who study all this. Here we give you an overview.


A biscuit made using artificial intelligence?

Pubblicato in data 21 Febbraio, 2018

It had to be Google. No one else would have […](Leggi...)