Case Studies
At Sensory Value, we succeed when our clients’ products succeed.
Along more than 2,000 projects delivered, we are backed by many cases of success products within the food and beverage industry. We are proud to have contributed to discover these opportunities through the sensoriality.
To learn more about our success stories, please contact Sensory Value here.
- Relaunching a product involving a reformulation
A beer company had neglected one of its brand’s products and failed to set aside enough marketing resources for it. The company turned to Sensory Value so its consultants could help re-launch the product in order to revitalize the brand.
What did we do?
Sensory Value performed a Product Test combined with a Sensory Analysis (Dual Approach) in order to correctly “translate” consumer perceptions to the company’s marketing and R&D departments. Beer category products with different properties were selected so as to understand the category and they were tested with consumers.
The results showed that the product in question had a very strong potential that the company had not detected. In addition, by cross-referencing the data from the Product Test and the Sensory Analysis, it was possible to identify those sensory attributes responsible for the consumer preference, which would be required to transform the client’s beer into the ideal product for that category.
What was the outcome?
Following Sensory Value’s recommendations, the company re-launched the beer with a new formula. Additionally, it also decided to conduct a rebranding. These two actions were maximized with a marketing campaign aimed at conveying the change in the brand.
Within three years, sales of the new product doubled sales of the previous version.
- Creating a product portfolio to enter into a new market
A European premium chocolate manufacturer wanted to enter into the United States market as the next step of its internationalization process. However, its products had been classified as ethnic products, with low sales and distribution levels. Up to then, the client was not familiar with the U.S. market.
This is the reason why they turned to Sensory Value, to discover the drivers of acceptance within the chocolate category in the U.S. market, in order to improve their sales and distribution levels in that country.
What did we do?
Sensory Value carried out a SensoConsumerTM study in the U.S. so as to understand the market and its specific features. This allowed us to identify the key drivers of acceptance within the chocolate category in the U.S. market.
This research allowed determining, at an organoleptic level, whether the chocolate category in the U.S. market is homogeneous or if there are sensory clusters of consumers. Several sensory clusters were identified along with those sensory attributes preferred by the members of each cluster.
With this methodology, the company’s marketing department was able to define an appropriate product strategy. As a result, the perfect products for each sensory cluster were designed with the aim of covering the entire product demand of the target audience in the U.S.
What was the outcome?
Thanks to the results of the SensoConsumerTM research [hyperlink to 2.4] carried out by Sensory Value, the company was able to gain a better understanding of how the U.S. chocolate market is structured. This allowed them to design the ideal product for each sensory cluster, thus covering the full demand of product for the target audience in the U.S.
In terms of results, over the course of one year the company was able to expand the distribution of its chocolate products in the U.S. by 50% and also to increase sales by 33%.
- Finding the perfect sensory attributes for an extremely mature category
The sliced bread category is an extremely mature market segment in Spain. One of the market leaders turned to Sensory Value because it wanted to create the perfect sliced bread for the Spanish market. The main goal was to identify the sensory attributes that were key drivers of acceptance for Spanish consumers in this category so as to include these positive sensory characteristics and to improve product’s acceptance.
What did we do?
Sensory Value suggested carrying out a SensoConsumerTM research [hyperlink to 2.4] to understand the relevant sensory attributes of sliced bread for Spanish consumers.
Our strategic consultants proposed a screening with more than 50 different sliced bread products from Spain, Germany, Italy, and France with the aim of enriching the spectrum of products tested by consumers and encompassing all of the market’s sensory aspects. This is particularly useful for finding new sensory directions for product development, identifying the perfect product, or defining consumer clusters. It also identifies sensory attributes that are valued in other countries and that may be of interest for the target market.
What was the outcome?
One of the products selected for the benchmarking was a sliced bread that the client already sold, but under a different brand than the one used for the company’s leading product. Because of its specific sensory notes, this product was in fact the preferred alternative by consumers in the Product Test.
Sensory Value recommended that the company change the bread that was preferred by consumers in the Product Test for the one that had been the brand’s star product up to that point. This conclusion was reached thanks to the SensoConsumerTM study. By implementing this change, the company was able to increase its sales by 10% in a mature and stable market.
- Identifying sensory attributes to harmonize a product
A processed baked goods company had five manufacturing facilities for its product in different parts of the same country. Although the product was packed under the same brand and using identical packaging, the flavor varied from one facility to another.
The company contacted Sensory Value with the aim of detecting potential differences in the sensoriality of its product, depending on the facility where it was manufactured, and working towards harmonizing the recipes if necessary, in order to distribute a homogeneous product on a sensory level throughout the country.
What did we do?
Sensory Value performed a Sensory Analysis of the five products made at each of the company’s manufacturing facilities.
Upon completing this comparison, Sensory Value’s strategic consultants proposed potential corrective measures that would harmonize production.
What was the outcome?
Thanks to the Sensory Analysis, the client was able to discover the differences regarding the sensory attributes of the baked goods made in each facility. This allowed them to establish a uniform production process that was more flexible.
- Quality, image, and price analyses to optimize the competitive offering of a product
A company specialized in food products that had been the long-standing leader of its category contacted Sensory Value to ascertain the market position of one of its star products compared to a private label. The company’s goal was to optimize its competitive offer over this private label in order to avoid losing sales and consumers.
What did we do?
To help the company ascertain the relevance of the main variables of the marketing mix (product, brand, and price) of its proposal versus the competitor, we suggested performing a Mix Value Test. This ad-hoc methodology developed by Sensory Value aims to quantify the value equation of the client’s proposal with respect to its competitor.
This type of quantitative research makes it possible to know whether the client’s proposal is competing well in terms of product, brand image, and price. Therefore, it helps to define the right product strategy, thus being an efficient tool for managing the marketing mix.
What was the outcome?
The research performed by Sensory Value showed that the client’s star product was nearly tied with the private label’s alternative in terms of product acceptance and preference, brand image, and product price.
As per Sensory Value’s recommendations, the company reformulated the product and repositioned the price slightly. Thanks to these actions, the client was able to reverse the trend and recover sales from the private label. This product continues to be one of the client’s best-sellers and it is the market leader for that category.
- Helping a client to find the perfect product for a new category
A popular beverage brand contacted the Sensory Value team requesting strategic product consulting during a product launch in a category that was new to the client.
The company aimed to diversify its sales and expand its product portfolio by entering a new category with an innovative product.
What did we do?
Sensory Value recommended a Product Test combined with a Sensory Analysis (Dual Approach) in order to correctly interpret consumer perceptions.
In the initial phase, a sensory screening was carried out to understand the client’s product together with other products from the same category. The objective was to sensory analyze different soft drinks that offered a wide spectrum of sensory characteristics in order to select those that would be included in the Product Test with Consumers. By interpreting the consumer test results with the sensory analysis, it was possible to identify those sensory attributes that consumers prefer in this category. . This allowed the company to develop a winning product.
What was the outcome?
Six months after its launch, the new product held 1.7% of the market share in its category and even received the Product of the Year award.